Rabbit Greens
Greens are an important part of the rabbits daily diet. We are always in need of them to be donated weekly. Here are three easy ways to help.
- Purchase a gift card to a local grocery store to be used to purchase the greens needed. Mail to Purpose Farm 1454 West Genesee Rd. Baldwinsville NY 13027.
- Make a monetary donation for us to purchase the greens for the rabbits.
Make a one time donation or become a monthly sponsor.
- Purchase items from the list below and drop off to the farm. You can leave ANYTIME you like under the carport. Please email info@purposefarm.org to let us know you left them so they don't go bad in the heat or freeze in the winter.
- Dandelions Greens
- Cilantro
- Italian Parsley
- Kale
- Bok Choy
- Organic Carrot Tops